25.09 / Wednesday


Dubelski / Michel-Dansac / Peintre / Saunier / Pasquet / Nouvel / Lévy / Morin / IRCAM

Ticket price: 50 PLN Buy a ticket
Georges Aperghis director
Richard Dubelski actor
Donatienne Michel-Dansac soprano
Lionel Peintre baritone
Johanne Saunier dancer
Olivier Pasquet IRCAM computer music design
Pierre Nouvel video creation, conception, and robot programming
Daniel Lévy set and lighting design
Emilie Morin assistant director

Georges Aperghis Thinking Things *

* first Polish performance

We would like to inform you that after the concert there will be buses, which will take the audience to Centre of Warsaw (the corner of Marszałkowska St. and Jerozolimskie Av.).