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In 2014 Ben Neill, Stephen Burns, and Marco Blaauw came together to form an ensemble for performing the eight-trumpet version of La Monte Young’s The Second Dream of The High-Tension Line Stepdown Transformer.

In the early 1990s, Ben Neill and Stephen Burns performed and recorded the piece in close collaboration with the composer. Wanting to revive the work and to bring performances to Europe, Marco Blaauw has selected high-profile trumpeters, all specialising in contemporary music. In January 2015, they run their first working sessions with La Monte Young and Marian Zazeela in their New York Dream House, gaining deep insight in the work and performance practice.

The performances this fall will be the official start of the The Theatre of Eternal Music Brass Ensemble. In the future, the ensemble will continue to concentrate on performing and sharing La Monte Young’s groundbreaking work with audiences around the world. 
