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y allá andará según se dice 
(and there he shall go, they say)
 - Graciela Paraskevaídis

was composed between 2004 and 2005 at Cergio Prudencio’s request, to be played at the OEIN concert celebrating its 25th anniversary. Out of the rich Latin American organological patrimony, I chose Andean aerophones (12 pinkillos, 12 tarkas and 12 sikus of different families and characteristics, played by a total of 24 alternating performers) and percussion (four wankaras) plus two pairs of Afro-Caribbean claves (total of four performers). The title is a quote from the poem Pensamientos (Thoughts, 1967) by the Argentinian poet Juan Gelman (1930–2014).
The score bears the following epigraph: Túpac Katari was quartered by the Spanish conquerors in 1781. The death sentence read so: “Neither the King nor the State will agree that any seed or race remain from this or any other Túpac Amaru and Túpac Katari, due to the loud noise and impression that this accursed man has made on the naturals... otherwise an everlasting ferment will be left.” The piece also remembers Bartolina Sisa (1750–82), Katari’s life and war companion, who bravely defended the city of La Paz besieged by the conquerors. Nonetheless, the work itself keeps no account of this historical background.

Graciela Paraskevaídis
