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A Laugh to Cry (Miguel Azguime)

explores some primary concerns, which have always haunted human beings, and reveals them from the perspective of our contemporary globalized world. The opera is shaped like a meditation on the hegemonic power of the destruction of memory, the devastation of the Earth and even the collapse of humanity. It evolves in the fringes between dream and reality, between the visible and invisible, being divided in several acts where five characters, two sopranos, one bass and two narrators (a female and a male voice), live and dwell constantly between these two parallels. The opera also involves seven acoustic instruments: flute, clarinet, percussion, piano, violin, viola, cello, as well as live electronics and extended video scenography.

A Laugh to Cry is a metaphysical theatre embodying eternal archetypes with music and multilingual libretto by Miguel Azguime.

A Laugh to Cry pursues Miguel Azguime’s goal, as poet and composer, to grasp an ideal balance between language and music, to merge the language’s semantic and metaphorical components with its sonic values, in order to achieve his concept of “speech as music and music as speech”. A Laugh to Cry extends Miguel Azguime’s research on voice analysis, re-synthesis and processing, aiming at creating a dynamic continuum between timbre, harmony, rhythm and voice spectra.


A Laugh to Cry

à memória do meu pai

libreto, texto:
Miguel Azguime


Parte 1



Parte 2


Ao crepúsculo
na brecha entre os mundos

separam-se as águas somente

detidas ainda pela memória do rio

a correr
ultrapassando as velocidades

a da luz e as outras
a premonição da luz naqueles

momentos sombrios
pelo mar adentro do corpo com
o corpo à flor da pele
a ver
no mesmo escuro inquietante e

opaco lugar que luz
incerto na demanda que o conduz

velar-se para a descoberta da ideia

reminiscência da mente que

percorre a traços largos
com as mãos tacteando o fundo do

mundo que agora jaz
nem preto nem branco
um cinzento frio de cor parada

mas de freio nos dentes
para largar e partir a qualquer

a vontade e a sede de beber o que

nos falta
e nos deixa a sonhar


Parte 3


Faz um tempo que faz tempo não

o tempo presente
está mau tempo nesta delonga

o tempo esgota-se e perde o tempo

nas irregularidades do vaguear
e suspende-se no vagar da

cadência periódica dum silêncio

temporalmente demora

ora calado
ora oralmente
na passagem dum temporal

agem ventos de rajada
raga das horas alterosas

adaga dos dilúvios de emoção

depressões fortes
descidas de temperamento

mudanças de pressão


Escorre por entre as mãos a ficar

velhas com o tempo a fazê-las

compostas no equilíbrio das linhas

de vida e demarcação

suspensas nos fios manipuladas

mãos por mãos
no tempo instável de reencontrar

na origem que nos espera

quem desate o nó que nos prende

e nos dota
das previsões lógicas do mistério

do tempo


Parte 4


Parte 5



Il se développe un développement

qui produit un sous-

et qui se déploie et qui s’étale et

qui s’accroit et qui s’étend et qui



Il se développe un développement

qui ment
il se développe un développement

qui nous instruit à mentir

il se développe un développement

qui nous instruit à séparer les

il se développe un développement

qui nous instruit à ne pas relier

les choses
il se développe un développement

qui nous instruit à seul considérer

additions et multiplications de

colonnes de chiffres à leurs propres

il se développe un développement

qui nous instruit à nous
enfoncer dans la matière jusqu’à



Il se développe un développement

qui efface les mots
les mots communs
les mots qui aiment

les mots d’autrui

les mots solides

les mots des aires

Le mot...



Il se développe un développement

qui produit un sous-

développement qui se déploie et

qui s’étale et qui s’accroit et qui

s’étend et qui s’amplifie

qui se déploie qui s’étale qui

s’accroit qui s’étend qui s’amplifie se

sé sa sé sam, se sam sé sé sa, sé sé

sa se sam, sé sa sé se sam, sa sam

sé se sé...


Hégémonique supérieur

prépondérant prééminent

prépotent autocratique sous-

développé en développement et le

développement doit s’accroître de

pourcentages certains d’incertitude

pour cent âges et toujours

démentis qui se développent

déments en sous développant


Le développement infini nous tue

le développement infini nous tue

dans le fini
dans le fini il suicide l’humanité

en déferlante accélération il

a perdu l’équilibre et surfe un

rouleau vers le suicide
il se développe un développement

qui provoque un envahissement

surviennent des milliards

d’affamés écartelés déchirés

dépouillés oppressés suffoqués

étouffés étranglés exténués brisés


bannis dans un fini qui nie et



La terre exterminée

les cultures terrassées

les étoiles effacées
la matière éteinte

le savoir tué

l’art tué
le vivre tué


Vers l’abîme
imbu ainé perpètre la descente

jusqu’à sombrer dans la léthargie

finale d’un vide insondable et

Engloutissement sans précédent

miasme du soufre
et l’errance prédite de la mémoire

La souffrance en avalanche nous

couvre désormais
et noie dans l’aven profond

l’espérance insolvable
vers la destruction plaine
nulle haine
ni plus aveux ni pénitences en



Et ils surviennent des milliards

d’affamés écartelés déchirés

dépouillés oppressés suffoqués

étouffés étranglés exténués brisés



Nous avons perdu la vue

nous avons perdu le goût

nous avons perdu l’amour

nous avons perdu les enfants

nous avons perdu les ancêtres


nous avons perdu le corps

nous avons perdu la mémoire

nous avons perdu les cultures

nous avons perdu la communauté 

nous avons perdu l’histoire

nous avons perdu

nous avons perdu

nous avons perdu

nous avons perdu

perdu du per du père dupe nous



nous avons gagné le mal d’être


On a tué le présent l’on meurt dans

le passé et l’avenir n’existe plus


Parte 6


Por definição o que transita é


e o trânsito não leva a lugar


é um repositório em transe para

comunicar com outros lugares

comunicantes entre si
a teoria dos vasos assegura um

nível constante por onde fluímos

espaços de confronto do tempo

com as ideias

estados de permanência dinâmica

equilíbrios por apurar
até que a proporção se inverta e

deixe lugar à transigência

exaltação que termina em agonia

e se apaga por fim num trágico

lugar vazio


Parte 7



La mort en porte à faux

ultime et première

triomphale sur tous

sentencieuse sur tout

la chaleur permutée en froid

le souffle inversé en pestilence

désintégration de toutes les

composantes de l’être

anéantissement de l’ensemble

ni plus vestiges de décombres


Parte 8


Il faut dépasser l’histoire
sans déchoir dans le probable
qui dévale en pente raide vers

l’hystérie de guerre et les barbaries

celle du fond des âges qui mutile

détruit torture massacre
et celle du présent consommé
du froid de l’hégémonie du calcul

sur les vies humaines


Parte 9



Enveloppés dans un linceul qui

nous change en chrysalide
le développement inverse est un

enveloppement libérateur

tout envelopper pour tout

de l’intérieur détruit et reconstruit

s’élabore un message pas encore

comment par un bout commencer

dénoncer l’énoncé du

commencement en semence due

l’enveloppe découvre un corps

secret autrement identique
une nouvelle origine sur le chemin

de la voie


Parte 10


A void is to reveal the complete

fulfilment accomplished realized

performed to your satisfaction and


but without neither goal nor aim

nor objective nor purpose


Mediating a transcription by

simply dictating timelessly seated

conducting the communion

between earth and sky
no-mind condition
full body commotion
what’s alive and percolating now

just with the flow

what emerges and erupts all

boundaries dissolved
Subtle Energy eXchange


expanding extending increasing

releasing broadening spreading out

and weaving
embracing entwining interlacing

zigzagging knitting merging and


all energies into a fused whole

such an altered state
makes us float upon a cloud of

supreme bliss


There are times
just a hand crawling skin on
a snake mind
letting the pleasure in
getting in close touch

whispering desire to drown into ecstatic fire


Parte 11


Les rêveurs conjuguent unité et

dans un accord du verbe qui voit

de toutes les couleurs

ils assemblent dans la

transmutation les pensées qui se

capables de tout rêver et de tout

ils émergent à temps en dehors de

et bâtissent la forme qui demeurait



Parte 12



O assombro de ti está em todos os

nas palavras que invento
nos sons que desenho

no sonho que percorro
na luz que me fascina
no corpo que me retém
tu és o ar que respiro a cada


naquele que voo e me liberto

tu és a mão da minha mão

tu és a voz do pensamento

demente eu quero ser a tua


crescermos em todos os lugares

até não podermos mais


Parte 13


Topique omnisciente la forme /

for me ethnic simoon equipotent

is to all differences belonging
to human humanity humming

unity producing multiplicity

unanimously keeping inseparably

the diversity of harmony within

the union of the unison united
son of the one sound reason of

resonance resuming whom to hum

That’s clear! That’s clear? Dark’s


A Laugh to Cry

to the memory of my father

text: Miguel Azguime


Part 2

At twilight
in the gap between the worlds 

waters are split but still held by the 

memory of the river running 

overtaking known velocities
as the one of light and the other 

the premonition of light in those 

dark moments
into the sea of the body where the 

body is skin-deep
in the same dark disturbing and 

opaque place that gives light 

uncertain of the demand that 

leads it
veiling for the discovery of the 

remaining idea
reminiscence of the mind that 

travels at large strokes
hands groping the bottom of the 

world which is now lain
neither black nor white
a cold grey frozen colour yet with 

a bridle on teeth
ready to release and leave at any 

the willingness and thirst to drink 

what we miss
and leaving us dreaming

Part 3

It’s such a time that since long time 

hasn’t happened
present time
the weather is bad in this 


time runs out and loses time

in the irregularities of roaming 

being suspended in a regular 

cadent wandering of silence 

temporal time-delay

either silent
either oral
at the passage of a tempest 

act wind gusts
raga of towering hours 

dagger of floods of emotion 

strong depressions
descents of temperament 

changes of pressure

Slipping through the hands that 

age with the time to create them 

composed of the balance of life and 

demarcation lines

suspended on wires manipulated 

hands by hands
unstable in time to rediscover the 

origin awaiting us

who will untie the knot that binds 

us and endows us
with the logical predictions of 

time’s mystery

Part 4


One develops a development that 

causes an underdevelopment
and which unfolds and which 

spreads and which increases and 

which extends and which amplifies

One develops a development that 

one develops a development that 

instructs us to lie

one develops a development that 

instructs us to separate things
one develops a development that 

instructs us not to connect things 

one develops a development that 

instructs us to consider only 

additions and multiplications of 

columns of numbers for their own

one develops a development that 

instructs us to sink into the matter 

until crushing

One develops a development that 

erases the words
the common words
the words that love

the words of others 

the solid words
the words of areas 

The word...


One develops a development that 

causes an underdevelopment and 

which unfolds and which spreads 

and which increases and which 

extends and which amplifies 

which unfolds which spreads 

which increases which extends 

which amplifies unfolds spreads 

increases extends amplifies olds 

eads eases ends ies, eases eads ies 

olds ends...

Hegemonic superior 

prominent prepotent autocratic 

underdeveloped in development 

and the development must be 

increased by certain percentages of 

uncertainty for hundred ages and 

always denying that it develops 

dement in under developing

The endless development kills us 

the infinite development kills us in 

the finiteness
it suicides humanity finitely
in wave acceleration it lost its 

balance and surfs a coil to suicide 

one develops a development that 

causes invasions
arise billions of hungry torn ripped 

stripped oppressed suffocated 

stifled strangled exhausted broken 

banished into a finiteness that 

denies and excludes

Earth exterminated

crops terraced 

stars erased 

matter off 

knowledge killed 

art killed

life shot

Towards the Abyss
the eldest imbued perpetrates the 

until falling into the final lethargy 

of an unfathomable and tragic 

Unprecedented engulfing 

miasmas of sulphur
and the foretold wandering of 

Suffering in avalanche covers us 

drowning into a deep abyss of 

insolvent hope
towards plain destruction
no hate
no more confessions nor solutions 

for regrets

And arise billions of hungry 

torn ripped stripped oppressed 

suffocated stifled strangled 

exhausted broken destroyed

We lost sight

we lost taste

we lost love 

we lost children

we lost ancestors

we lost the body

we lost the memory 

we lost the cultures 

we lost the community

we lost history

we lost 

we lost 

we lost 

we lost

lost lost father father dupe dupe 

we we

we have won the wrong being

Present has been lost one dies 

in the past and future no longer 


Part 6

By definition what transits is 

and the traffic leads nowhere
it is a repository in trance to 

communicate with other places 

communicating with each other 

vessel theory ensures a constant 

level at which we flow

spaces of confrontation of time 

with the ideas
dynamic states of permanence 

unclear equilibrium

until the proportion is reversed 

and leaves room for compromise 

exaltation that ends in agony
and is finally quenched in a tragic 

empty place

Part 7 


Death in cantilever
first and last
triumphant over all 

sententious throughout
heat permutating into cold 

breath inverted in pestilence 

disintegrating every component 

of being

annihilation of the whole

no more remains of rubble

Part 8

We must go beyond history 

without falling into the probable 

which descends a steep slope into 

war hysteria and perpetuated 


the ones from the background 

of ages which mutilate destroy 

torture massacre
and the ones of the consumed 


of the cold hegemonic calculation 

upon lives

Part 9 


Wrapped in a shroud changing us 

into chrysalis
the inverse development is
a liberating wrap

wrap everything to transform 

destroyed and rebuilt inside 

to elaborate a message not yet 


how to start at one’s end 

announcing the beginning of due 

the envelope discovers a secret 

body otherwise identical
a new origin in the course of the 


Part 10

A void is to reveal the complete 

fulfilment accomplished

performed to your satisfaction and 


but without neither goal nor aim 

nor objective nor purpose

Mediating a transcription by 

simply dictating timelessly seated 

conducting the communion 

between earth and sky
no-mind condition
full body commotion
what’s alive and percolating now 

just with the flow
what emerges and erupts all 

boundaries dissolved
Subtle Energy eXchange

expanding extending increasing

releasing broadening spreading out 

and weaving
embracing entwining interlacing 

zigzagging knitting merging and 


all energies into a fused whole 

such an altered state
makes us float upon a cloud of 

supreme bliss

There are times
just a hand crawling skin on
a snake mind
letting the pleasure in
getting in close touch 

whispering desire to drown into 

ecstatic fire

Part 11 


Dreamers incorporate unity and 

into a verb conjugation which 

perceives in all the colours

they assemble the opposing 

thoughts in transmutation 

capable of any dream and of 

starting all over

in time they emerge outside 

and build the form that has 

remained hidden

Part 12

The wonder of you is in all places 

in the words that I invent
in the sounds that I draw
in the dream that I follow

in the light that fascinates me
in the body that retains me
you are the air I breathe at every 


where I fly and free myself 

thou art the hand of my hand 

thou art the voice of thought 

insane I want to be thy seed 

we will grow in every 

place until we’ve had enough

Parte 13

Topique omnisciente la forme /
for me ethnic simoon equipotent 

is to all differences belonging
to human humanity humming 

unity producing multiplicity 

unanimously keeping inseparably 

the diversity of harmony within 

the union of the unison united
son of the one sound reason of 

resonance resuming whom to hum 

That’s clear! That’s clear? Dark’s 
