Sometimes a thought occurs: it is after [Polish: po]. Not everybody agrees, though, because not everybody accepts emotion. After is an immaterial being, a soul which according to Chinese philosophy, is responsible for the surge of emotions. The emotions are irrational, but there is responsibility. This is the context, with no after-thoughts. Simply after. Otherwise, I have no relation to Oriental metaphysics: I can only feel it intuitively, emotionally. Wer is more rational: it is nearly half of “ver-dict”, or half of Ver-sailles; in German, it actually means “Who?”. Everybody is curious who, where from, after whom, who, and why him?! As if everything needed to be explained, asked, peeped at, looking for contexts and a feeling of superiority of those who are absent. How to translate something that mustn’t be translated? Who? For a while, Po-wer.
Michał Moc