Widząc dźwięki, czując wolność (Seeing Sounds, Feeling Freedom) - Maess Anand, Ruth Anderwald, Leonhard Grond
The exhibition pays a visual tribute to the Warsaw Autumn Festival, one of the most important festivals of contemporary music in Europe. The works presented at the exhibition do not illustrate the music, but they relate to it in a more abstract way, telling us about sound and improvisation as the essential pillars of music.
The video Freedom is Fragments by the Austrian duet Ruth Anderwald + Leonhard Grond tells us about some of the essential factors in music: freedom, improvisation and time, from the perspective of the interpreter, musician and composer.
The paintings by Maess Anand take a fully visual approach in which she reflects on, freely explores, and is inspired by the music of Witold Lutosławski, a composer who is very close to her artistic practice and musical sensibility. Maess’s drawings present a world of sound waves in forms that ow in time, now captured in front of our eyes, inviting us to immerse ourselves in the temporal and sonorous ow of music.
This exhibition pays tribute to music in silence. It speaks to and immerses us in forms allowing us to see the sounds. The works exhibited show the close relations between the visual art and music. They also relate to our own nature and the concepts of improvisation, poetry, and freedom.