Quartetto per archi no. 1 -
Krzysztof Penderecki

The key form-building element of this Quartet is articulation. Different types of strokes on the strings and the body of the instruments; various ways of generating sound behind the bridge; finally, the variously articulated "top pitch" which I already introduced in my Anaklasis - are all treated on a par with sounds articulated pizzicato, col legno, con arco, etc. Together they form rich and diversified (though overall uniform) sound material. the other important form-building element in this piece is the dynamics, which broadly speaking proceeds from f to ppp and becomes an important aspect of expression. the other elements are treated rather marginally and are of secondary importance. the temporal progressions are organised by a notation based graphically on a time unit ranging - depending on the performers' choice - from 0'8" to 1'2".

Krzysztof Penderecki

(from the 1962 "Warsaw Autumn" Programme Book)