Minh-Tâm Nguyen, François Papirer, Florent Duverger, Théo His-Mahier, Galdric Subirana, Thibaut Weber
Jean-Pierre Luminet text
Claudia Doderer, Klaus Dreissigacker stage design
Klaus Bollinger stage design realisation
Oton Schneider sound spatialisation
Gérard Grisey Le Noir de l'étoile *
* first Polish performance
We would like to inform you that after the concert, there will be buses, which will take the audience to barStudio.
Minh-Tâm Nguyen, François Papirer, Florent Duverger, Théo His-Mahier, Galdric Subirana, Thibaut Weber
Jean-Pierre Luminet text
Claudia Doderer, Klaus Dreissigacker stage design
Klaus Bollinger stage design realisation
Oton Schneider sound spatialisation
Gérard Grisey Le Noir de l'étoile *
* first Polish performance
We would like to inform you that after the concert, there will be buses, which will take the audience to barStudio.