Krzysztof Baculewski

Krzysztof Baculewski "Subjective Annals 60 Editions of the Festival"


The East - the Far East (Chinese, Japanese and Korean music) and that a bit closer to Poland, in the form of works by Ukrainian, Belorussian and Russian composers. Different approaches, perspectives and artistic standpoints.

The list of new concert venues was now even longer: it included the 'Dziekanka' Józef Elsner Hall in Krakowskie Przedmieście, the spectacular Highest Voltage Hall of the Institute of Power Engineering in Mory (Wola district) on the western outskirts of Warsaw, the 'Zachęta' Art Gallery and, again, the Sports Centre in Bemowo. New ensembles: The Moscow Contemporary Music Ensemble, Collegium Novum Zürich, Seattle Chamber Players, Kairos Quartet from Berlin, Timf from Tongyeong in South Korea. New composers: Helena Tulve, Xu Yi, Fausto Romitelli, Lawrence Moss, Unsuk Chin and others. But there were also familiar names: Toru Takemitsu, Toshio Hosokawa, Klaus Huber, Heinz Holliger, Zbigniew Bargielski, Krzysztof Knittel, Heiner Goebbels and John Tavener, as well as working through the classical backlog: Edgard Varèse - Amériques and Pierre Boulez - Notations I-IV and Répons. To celebrate the latter composer's eightieth birthday, the 'Warsaw Autumn' programme book included a small lexicon entitled The World according to Boulez, written by the present writer.