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23.09 Wednesday
Austrian Cultural Forum
Book presentation: Krzysztof Kwiatkowski Luigi Nono: Master of Sound and Silence

This first Polish-language study of the music of Luigi Nono fills one of the most significant gaps in the Polish literature dedicated to contemporary music. Apart from comments and impressions on the performances of individual works, the whole of Luigi Nono’s oeuvre as well as the individual aspects of his music have never been the subject of an extensive Polish-language publication before. Krzysztof Kwiatkowski’s book discusses the Italian composer’s artistic development in the context of his biography and his aesthetic, philosophical, and political views. The characteristic features of Nono’s musical language are analysed in chapters dedicated to selected compositions, representative of the three periods that his work is usually divided into (serial, propagandist, and reflective). Much space has also been dedicated to Luigi Nono’s numerous links to Poland. Of the eminent artists connected with the postwar avantgarde, Nono maintained the liveliest relations with Polish composers and representatives of Polish music life.
The monograph has been published by Krytyka Polityczna Edition, Harmonie i Hałasy Music Foundation

Organised by Krytyka Polityczna Edition, Harmonie i hałasy Music Foundation