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Warszawska Jesień w tekstach Andrzeja Chłopeckiego/The Warsaw Autumn in Texts by Andrzej Chłopecki (pod red. Magdaleny Długosz, Katarzyny Naliwajek i Marty Szoki)

The anthology The Warsaw Autumn in Texts by Andrzej Chłopecki appears exactly a year after the death of that outstanding music critic promoting contemporary music in Polish Radio Channel 2 broadcasts, member of the ‘Warsaw Autumn’ Repertoire Committee. All the texts in this collection are related to our Festival: from concert reviews published in ‘Ruch Muzyczny’ fortnightly, to essays and commentaries on the composers and works presented at the Festival, to ‘Gazeta Wyborcza’ features, to articles presenting the history of the ‘Warsaw Autumn’ in the ever changing political, social and cultural contexts of the past decades.

The book is accompanied by a CD containing the recording of Andrzej Chłopecki’s radio interview with Jerzy Jasieński, who witnessed the beginnings of the ‘Warsaw Autumn’, as well as two fragments of Andrzej Chłopecki’s unauthorised statements. These recordings present Chłopecki as a dynamic interlocutor, an inquisitive radio journalist endowed with a unique voice and style of speaking, as well as an unquestioned authority on contemporary music, which he felt so deeply.