Loses (Joanna Woźny)
Instruments and their sound potential are, for me, closely connected with the process of composing. Their characteristic “instrumental timbrality” usually provides the point of departure for my compositions. The essence of creating a composition and its form is the design and definition of the temporal sequence of timbral states, when differentiated sound constellations are given the opportunity of development or self-reflection.
In the orchestral workloses we find sound situations of this kind, which partially merge one into the other, partially locate themselves next to each other, partially become independent or are partially transformed into different timbral states. Moreover, the sound constellations in loses are, to an extent, subject to the influence of opposing forces. In processes with a clearly defined direction there appear – as an antithesis, but in a much weakened form – actions with the opposite direction. This results in some degree of relativisation of the musical course, a questioning of it, so that it appears as seemingly directionless and devoid of associations or references.
Joanna Woźny