observerobserver (Aleksandra Gryka)
The observer – objects awaiting information about the state of the observed object. The observerobserver is used to inform interested objects about the state of another object (lobus frontalis). The objects are in a certain state. The other objects may be dependent on the current state, that is why there must exist a possibility of informing them about the change of state, so that they could have a chance to adjust to it (lobus parietalis, lobus occipitalis). One observer may observe a number of other objects, and one object may be observed by a number of observers (corpus callosum). The relation between an observed object and an observer is created in time and may be changed more dynamically (medulla oblongata). Observers do not know the other observers, which in certain situations may cause difficulties in noticing side-effects (hippocampus, Cornu Ammonis). The observers often need information about what has been changed in the observed object (conveniunt operam et coordinatio).
“To be only the observer and not to participate in what is going on. Just to look and listen. In this case he would have to be a pair of ears”. Philip K. Dick.
Aleksandra Gryka