Warsaw Autumn 2018 expresses its gratitude for the financial assistance and commitment to the Festival offered by:
Warsaw Autumn media partners
Little Warsaw Autumn media patrons
The Festival is cofinanced by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, the City of Warsaw and PZU Foundation.
Little Warsaw Autumn is cofinanced by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage’s Culture Promotion Fund.
This project is part of the commemoration of the centennial of the regaining of independence.
Festival takes place under the patronage of the PWM Edition as part of the programme promoting performances of Polish music.
The works Ogólna Teoria Względności (Theory of General Relativity) by Wojciech Błażejczyk, do słów (to the words) by Aleksander Nowak, Katalog chmur (Catalogue of Clouds) by Mateusz Ryczek, Amplified, What is There? by Krzysztof Wołek and Ex motu by Anna Zawadzka-Gołosz have been cofinanced by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage’s Culture Promotion Fund within the programme “Composing Commissions” implemented by the Institute of Music and Dance.
The festival is a member of the European Conference of Promoters of New Music.