Bebber, Claus van

Born in 1949 in the Lower Rhine. Self-taught musician, performance and improvised experimental music artist, he focuses on “on the spot” projects in direct confrontation with the current situation (space, environment, subject, history). He frequently collaborates with visual artists, musicians and performers, including Ron Schmidt, Helmut Lemke, Michael Vorfeld, Dieter Schlensog, and Paul Hubweber. He was a founding member of the artistic group Heinrich Mucken (1982–90), with which he appeared notably at the Folkwangtage in Essen (1987) and Dokumenta 8 in Kassel (1987). In his local community he collaborates on the planning, organisation, and realisation of contemporary art events such as Kunsthaus ArToll in Bedburg-Hau (1994–). He has frequently been invited to participate in international artistic symposia. As a guest artist he has received scholarships from Artists Unlimited in Bielefeld (1989–90), de Fabriek in Eindhoven (1993), City Gallery in Villingen-Schwenningen (1996), the Cultural Prize of the City of Kevelaer (1992), and the Fine Arts Funding Prize of Melitta (with Helmut Lemke and Michael Vorfeld). His works are exhibited in private and public collections and museums, such as the Museum of the City of Lüdenscheid, Museum Goch, Kunstarchiv Peter Kerschgens, and the City Gallery in Villingen-Schwenningen. He has recorded for record labels, radio, television and films, and is the author of reviews and illustrations printed in books, catalogues, and magazines.