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Stanisław Strzelec, Szymon

Born in 1990 in Cracow, he graduated from Marcin Kmiecik’s violin class in the Władysław Żeleński State Secondary School of Music in Cracow (2011). In the same year he started composition studies with Zbigniew Bargielski at the Music Academy in Cracow. President of the “Il Cannone” Composition Students’ Academic Club at Cracow’s Academy since October 2012. His main interests include formal constructivism and xenharmonic music. His approach to work with the sound material may well be compared to that of a sculptor: a result of his inherent polymodal synaesthesia.

Major works: Ouroboros for string quartet (2009), Piano essenziale per violino solo (2011), Capriccio affettuoso: oscillazioni per violoncello e violino (2011), Rêveries d’un autre automne for violin, double bass and microtonally-tuned piano (2011),  , Concerto for Cymbal and Orchestra (2012), Coloured Dots for string quartet (2012), Eight Words of the Legendary One for bass, double bass, prepared piano and percussion (2012), The Hâsbeiya Fountain for 16 spatially arranged performers (2012–13), Sketches of Ambivalence for two violins (2013), Verbigerations for tape (2013), ...qui d’une main distraite et légère caresse... for concertante cello and chamber orchestra (2013), Stages of Azure in Black and White for cello, accordion and electroacoustic layer (2013–14), Inventing Birds for alto flute, bass clarinet, alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, prepared piano and prepared string trio (2014).

See - Young Composers from Cracow
