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Droba, Krzysztof
music theorist, critic and teacher. In 1975–1989 he founded and directed a number of music festivals: Young Musicians to a Young City in Stalowa Wola, Music September at the Castle in Baranów Sandomierski, Collectanea in Sandomierz, considered one of the early manifestations of independent musical life in Communist Poland. These events contributed to the emergence of a young generation of Polish composers (often nicknamed the ‘Stalowa Wola generation’) while also presenting the output of independent composers from the USSR, with special emphasis on Lithuanian music.
Since 1989, Krzysztof Droba has chaired the Polish-Lithuanian Musicological Conferences that take place alternatively in Vilnius and Cracow.
He is the author od numerous articles and essays on contemporary music, translated into several languages. His Warsaw Autumn-related writings are Warszawska Jesień w zwierciadle polskiej krytyki muzycznej. Antologia tekstów z lat 1956–2006 [Warsaw Autumn in Polish musical criticism, 1956–2006. An anthology] (2007), and ‘Chopinspira’. Współcześni kompozytorzy polscy o Chopinie [Modern Polish composers on Chopin] (2009).