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Echoes Echo in the Ear - Sławomir Wojciechowski
(music workshop in outdoor play forum)

Were we to stop for a moment in a busy part of town, close our eyes and begin to listen attentively, we would see how our imagination wanders in the surrounding space, following our sense of hearing, which can reach places inaccessible to the eye. Hearing is a sense more complex and more dynamic than sight. It does not learn the landscape by gradually moving from one place to another. Rather, our ears can grasp all of it together, in its entirety. Our hearing is also very sensitive. Nature has equipped us with the ability to close our eyes, but it has left our ears open, to keep watch even when we sleep.
The workshop Echoes Echo in the Ear aims to stimulate our hearing ability, so that we can find out how much our ears tell us about our surroundings, but also about the very nature of sound. The workshop will be held in an empty underground car park. In this immense space, which amplifies echoes and reverberations, sounds can wander and go astray, play hide and seek with us. A likely challenge to our ears—and hopefully also great fun.

Sławomir Wojciechowski
