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Opływ / Przepływ / Upływ (Roundflow / Throughflow / Outflow) - Wojciech Ziemowit Zych

The work was composed for the Cellonet ensemble, within the framework of the “Collections” programme – the priority “Compositional Commissions” implemented by the Institute of Music and Dance.
It is an attempt to step into the unknown and unresearched, farther than to date:
Controlling the disposition and movement of sounds in space as an integral part of the composition process.
The acoustic space on an equal level to texture, harmony, and timbre. As a surrounding terrain, panorama, and process. It is not a substitute of anything, but rather a new dimension of the musical work.
The sound world of the multicello surrounds and glitters like the ocean. The surface of time in which the life and death of sounds are reflected.

Wojciech Ziemowit Zych
